New Beginnings In Good Heart

<!–[if !mso]> st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } <![endif]–> It feels like Spring around these parts, even though it’s still about three months away. The days are beginning to grow longer once again and life is full of new beginnings for Ben and I this year.  For one, we have a new name. Ben’s Produce was never really ourContinue reading “New Beginnings In Good Heart”

Full of Life

Hi folks! I have a few pictures from the farm this week and I thought I’d go ahead and share them with you. Spring is in full force and the farm is a microcosm of all of the rejuvenation and new life that comes with the season. Enjoy! It’s hard to tell here, but theseContinue reading “Full of Life”

2011: Year of Inspiration, Motivation, and, most importantly, FUN!

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!  Well, howdy do! We’re caught up in the spirit of the new year around these parts. Saturday we’ll begin having more than 10 hours of daylight (10 hours and one minute, to be exact) and that means things will begin growing again. Most of our produce has been slumbering beautifully andContinue reading “2011: Year of Inspiration, Motivation, and, most importantly, FUN!”

time keeps on slippin slippin slippin…

Hi folks! It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a MONTH since I last posted here. As you can tell from the title, time sure has been flying by for Ben and I. We successfully moved from 604 Sasser in Raleigh to 1000 McLemore Road in Clayton, then I went to TN to see myContinue reading “time keeps on slippin slippin slippin…”

Welcome neigbors in Mordecai & Oakwood!

Hello and Welcome! A big welcome to all our neighbors in Mordecai and Oakwood! Ben’s Produce is a fairly new agrarian venture for me, Benjamin Shields, and my partner, Patricia Parker. We offer you fresh, local, un-certified organic vegetables grown in Garner in partnership with Double-T Farm where I work as field manager and apprentice.Continue reading “Welcome neigbors in Mordecai & Oakwood!”