How it works

We offer fully customizable shares for the Spring, Fall, and Winter seasons, with flexibility in scheduling, and opportunities to add on ala carte items like extra produce or seedlings, but also farm goods such as salve, body butter, braided garlic, flowers, and more!

We send members a weekly newsletter full of farm news, recipes, and ideas from our kitchen to yours.

The online store opens Saturdays at noon, and closes by 6 pm Sundays. You will choose items for your order each week during this window, or we will curate a share for you.

You go to your pick up location during the pick up window. You’ll find a box with your name on it, as well as a list of the items you either ordered or we curated for you. You will pack your items into your own bag (or use one we provide), and leave the box.

We understand that it can be difficult to make it to pick ups every week. We offer members the opportunity to reschedule a pick-up with a notice by Sunday (at 6pm) preceding the week on pause via their membership login site. If you reschedule, you may do so for a non-pick up week, the scheduled make up week, or for a double share. Other options include sharing your share – have a friend, family member, or neighbor pick up in your absence – or let us know you’d like to donate your share and it will go to the Siler City Community Garden pick up location for some of the folks particpating in our Farm it Forward program. If you do not schedule a hold by the deadline or connect with the host site member before the pick up window is over, your share is forfeited. Host site member contact information is included in the members only section.